Sunday, July 15, 2007

spoiled senseless

I've spent the past few hours digging up spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. They abound: chapter titles, chapter art, summaries, lists of deaths, scans of the epilogue, etc.

While I do not want to be spoiled, something about the presence of spoilers compels me to seek them out. The thing, however, is that I don't feel spoiled at all. So many of the things I've read were contradictory, so that even if it happens to be the case that one of them is true, it will still come as a surprise upon reading it. And the epilogue scans: if they're true, I'll be disappointed. It was really cheesy.

Email me or something if you want spoilers.


Anonymous said...

So I take it your every thought is being invaded by this, too? I can't get a thing done without it popping in to remind me that we're less than a week away. One minute I think ONLY 5 days and x hours to go, the next I'm distressing myself with STILL 5 days and x hours to go! I've sent an email about the spoilers...

Sarah said...

You are a HUGE hypocrite! Who spoiled you in Half Blood Prince...oh wait...that would be you! You willingly sought out spoilers and knew of Dumbledore's fate before you even had the book. AGAIN...who is spoiling you now...that would be YOU. YOU saught chapter titles and summaries and all sorts of things. Dissapointing, I thought you were a true Harry Potter fan really...;) Too bad you have to go to the release party all alone. It's really sad that you've done this. HYPOCRITE. :)